Tuesday, February 14, 2017


नज़र हट गयी
ज़माने गुज़र गए
हवा का रुख़ भी बदल गया
अब तो अपना वोह उम्र भी
किसी और की कहानी लगती है
पर फिर भी
जब कुछ पल
इस ज़िन्दगी से नोच निकालती हूँ
तो मन की आँखों में
तुम्ही  को पाती हूँ
अब भी महसूस करती हूँ
तुम्हारी हाथों के स्पर्श को
अपने शरीर के छाप में
तुम्हारी आँखों की उस नज़र को
देख सकती हूँ अपने मन में
तुम्हारी आवाज़ के लय में
मेरे नाम की स्मृति
गुदगुदाता है मेरे अंतसतः को
एक बार
बस एक बार
फिर से याद दिला दो
उस हसीं का कारण
फिर कर दो बेदम
फिर उखाड़ दो मेरी साँसें
फिर समा लो मुझे अपनी आवश्यकता में
मेरी याद ने तुमको ऐसा अपनाया है
की तुम्हारी ही होके रह गयी हूँ
फ़र्क बस इतना है
कि में भूल सकती नहीं
और तुम जानते भी नहीं 

to love as it is meant to be...

To love with abandon. That is to say, to abandon oneself to love the other. so that all that remains, is the other, with the YOU becoming an amorphous thought, flowing in and out. to love with a clawing hunger, which makes the stomach turn into itself and the heart plummet into the depths of longing. the fumes of passion rising to the head and making it light headed. the desire to be owned clawing the mundaneness of existence and propriety. to be utterly and shamelessly dependent and needy. and to be held for that. is to love as it meant to be. 

How do i know i live?

it has been a while since words crystallised my thoughts....it is not like i have not been thinking...no, anything but. my head is abuzz with the zipping around of my thoughts, banging into one another. not crashing and destroying each other, but providing each other with that impetus, that push, which propels them into greater speed and higher frequency.

it is not like life is empty and therefore thoughts abound. each day rushes by, the sound of it zipping by almost throwing me off balance. yet, sometimes, life just swirls around me in its hurry, while i seem to be rooted at one spot. a hunger, a deep gnawing kind of hunger is consuming me these days. a desperation is eating into my innards, making me feel almost faint with the vacuum that it creates. a hunger for passion, for an all consuming ownership, to be occupied in thought and in feeling. nothing consumes me lately. nothing has. and i dont seem to be consuming anyone. A life where something does not consume me, or i do not consume someone, is a life that is like a placid body of water. no ripple. no movement. no sign of life. there is a madness that is my own, that i own, that needs to own me. life needs to make me breathless. it needs to make my heart skip a beat, it needs to roughly pull me into its arms and own me. rough me up. hold me close. disrupt my breathing. quicken my heartbeat.

make me feel alive.